Coronavirus effects on daily life in Montpellier. CORONAVIRUS

©Giacomo Italiano/MAXPPP – The effects of containment measures on the daily lives of Montpellier residents. A city with deserted streets and malls, like this one : the mall Carrefour in Lattes near Montpellier. France, Lattes, March 2020.
Les effets des mesures de confinement sur le quotidien des Montpellierains. Une ville avec des rues et des supermarches desertes, comme ce centre commercial Carrefour a Lattes pres de Montpellier. France, Lattes, Mars 2020. –

March 18th 2020 – France – situation of the COVID-19 outbreak, caused by the novel coronavirus, that people from 17 March 2020 at noon circulating on France’s streets will have to justify, on request, the reason to leave their home. (MaxPPP TagID: maxbestof110865.jpg) [Photo via MaxPPP]

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